What I've been working on

Hello, all!

I know it's been a long while since I last posted here. However, I've been busy working on quite a few projects.

New HTMLScreenbones

I am currently working on various styles for the new look of Screenbones. You can find the current working model over on my GitHub right now! As it stands, there's a lot of work to be done before it's ready to for deployment on this domain:

  • There's still some need to play around with the colors and sizes of certain elements on the screen

  • Some accessibility features still need to be built in (there are no Breadcrumbs and there is no "jump to" menu)

  • Margins need to be tweaked

  • Content needs to actually be written

  • And finally, the News page needs to be put together

The news page will likely take the longest amount of time. There are two ways I can go about this: I can create a custom Javascript page that utilizes Blogger's API, or I can modify the style of the page you're looking at right now to fit in with the look of the new webpage. Either method will require me to learn a bit more about what I'm doing, and the second method will create some downtime as I modify this page.

In any case, the new HTMLScreenbones will likely go online in preview late this year, and be officially deployed sometime in Mid-2021.

New San Tan Lions Page

Man, it really has been almost 3 years since I originally launched the San Tan Lions website. The page is currently built in Google Sites, and while it is fine, it could be a lot better.

Like Screenbones, the new San Tan Lions website will be written in HTML5/CSS3, with some Javascript thrown in. However, it is still very early in development. The new website will likely be deployed in 2022. Why so much longer? Well, since it's being designed for an actual volunteer organization, it must be an improvement over what is actually there right now. Unfortunately, it will take a bit more time before I'm comfortable saying that I'm at that point.

In addition, there are more features I want to introduce within the new website.

  • I want to make it easy to add volunteer opportunities to the Volunteer page, with RSVP Forms to get a metric of volunteers (This will likely use Facebook's API)

  • I want to build a user accounts system, allowing for both Lions accounts which would be used to join meetings online, and make payments when due's are due. Don't get too excited if you're a hacker, I probably won't be building these alone, especially when it comes to the back-end.

  • Finally, I want to improve on the San Tan Lion's blog by updating it weekly. This will likely occur towards the end of August.

As it stands, there's a lot to put together, and a lot to learn, so this likely isn't something you'll hear from me about too often in the near future. If you want to keep up with development here, I also made this into a public Repository on GitHub. Go ahead and check it out!

Box Critters Concept Website

This one is a little more fun. I decided to create a concept website for Rocketsnail's Box Critters. This one will probably be finished a little more quickly, likely completed by Mid-June to Early-July. This one will stay on GitHub, so check it out there.


To close off, I was also thinking about creating YouTube videos once again. There are a lot of games out there to play, and going back to doing Let's Plays does sound like fun once again, especially now that I can work my way towards getting the materials I need to produce good videos. I haven't made a decision on this front yet, however it's something I've been thinking of.

A lot of HTML Today

Yes, that's a lot of website projects that I've started work on. I also have quite a bit going on in real life, as well, in addition to all that's been going on with COVID-19, which really is the simple reason I haven't been that active on updating this website. I hope you all enjoy your time!

-Remember, Stay Safe, and Keep Exploring!


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The Loss of a Beloved Friend